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Government of West Bengal
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Incentives and Various Schemes

Text Book

  • Text Books are distributed free of cost to all the students of Class Pre-Primary to XII reading in Govt. / Govt. Aided / Govt. Sponsored Schools throughout the State of WB.
  • In the year 2018, total 8,74,92,944 number of Text Books have been distributed to the students of class Pre-Primary to class XII (8,14,98,744 no. for class Pre-Primary to class X and 59,94,200 no. for class XI & XII).

Exercise Book

  • Exercise book is very much important as it acts as a primary record of students' learning efforts. It is helpful to copy down school work and notes. That is why a student is in need of separate exercise book for each subject.
  • Realizing this necessity, West Bengal Government has taken a good initiative to provide exercise books to all students of classes V-XII through School Education Department.
  • In order to fulfill this objective, 3,40,33,866 exercise books have already been distributed among the students reading in classes V to XII.

School Bag

Distribution of school bags to all the students of upper primary level is a new initiative. School bags have been distributed to 57,05,161 no. of students of class V-VIII in the year 2018.

School Shoes

Black school shoes distributed to all students of primary level, adding to a total of 51,00,000 students from classes I-V who were benefitted from this scheme.

School Uniform

  • A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. Perhaps, most importantly, students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes.
  • School uniforms are made compulsory for all students as it helps lessen social conflicts within the school. Irrespective of their financial condition, all the students of class-I to VIII are provided two sets of school uniforms which creates a congenial atmosphere in the schools.
  • School Education Department has provided uniform to all students of all classes from class I to VIII. Presently 1,07,03,171 students have already received their uniform in 2018.

Cooked Mid-Day-Meal Programme in Schools

Introduction :

Cooked Mid-Day Meal Programme is one of the most important flagship programme in the country. Originally, this programme covered the children studying in Primary schools (Class: I-V) and later it has been extended to the Upper Primary stage of education (Class: VI-VIII). It covers the Govt., Govt. aided, Local Body schools besides the children studying in Madrasah, NCLP, SSK, MSK etc.

Objectives :

CMDMP, 2006 seeks to address two of the most pressing problems for the majority of children in India, namely, hunger and education by:

  • Improving the nutritional status of children in classes I – VIII in Government, Local Body and Government aided schools etc.
  • Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.
  • Providing nutritional support to children of elementary stage in drought-affected areas during summer vacation.

Additional objective is :

  • Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged section, to attend school more regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.
  • Promoting regular school attendance and in that respect Mid-Day-Meal contribute not only to right of food but also to right of education.
  • Helps to undermine caste prejudice, by teaching children to sit together and share a common meal.
  • Reducing gender gap in school participation.
  • With decentralized system of cooking through SHGs and community participation, MDM also provides the local economy and local women with a new economic activity.
  • A source of economic support for the poorer sections of the Society and also an opportunity to impart nutrition, education to children.

Food norms under National Programme for MDM in School :

The Food norms would be as under :

Sl. No. Items Quantity Per Meal
Primary students Upper Primary & NCLP students
1. Food-grains (Rice) 100gms 150gms
2. Pulse 20gms 30gms
3. Vegetables (leafy also) 50gms 75gms
4. Oil & Fat 5.0gms 07.5gms
5. Salt & Condiments As per need As per need

Components of National Programme for MDM in Schools :

Cooking Cost :

Assistance of cooking cost has been provided by the Govt. of India and State Govt. The rate of cooking cost from 1st April, 2018 onwards is as follows :

Stage Total cost per meal Central state sharing 60:40
Central contribution State contribution
Primary Rs.4.35 Rs.2.61 Rs.1.74
Upper Primary & NCLP Rs.6.51 Rs.3.91 Rs.2.60

The cooking cost would include the cost of pulses, vegetables, oil, fats, salt& condiments and fuel.

Food-grains (Rice) :

Rice is allowed by the Govt. of India @ 100gms per child per school day for Primary students and @ 150gms per child per school day for Upper Primary & NCLP students. Rice is lifted from the FCI godowns at districts. The supply of food-grains will be of best available quality or at least of Fair Average Quality (FAQ).

Honorarium to cook-cum-helper :

Payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers under CMDMP was made earlier from State Budget @ Rs.600/- per month per school. From December, 2009, Govt. of India decided to pay honorarium to cook-cum-helper @Rs.1000/- for each cook-cum-helper and the expenditure towards the honorarium was shared between the Central and the State on 75:25 basis. At present from July 2016 the expenditure is being shared between the Central and the State on 60:40 basis.
The sharing pattern is as under: -

Total honorarium for one cook-
cum-helper for one month
Central share State share
Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 600/- Rs.900/-
Rs. 400/- (as per norms) Rs. 500/-
(additional given by the State Govt.)

Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers is paid for 10 months in a Financial Year.

Engagement of cook-cum-helper for this programme :

One cook-cum-helper may be engaged in a school under MDM programme having 25 students, two cook-cum-helpers for schools having 26 to 100 students and one additional cook-cum-helper for every additional of up to 100 students.

Kitchen Devices :

Assistance for procurement of kitchen devices for CMDMP programme was provided by every 5 years @ Rs.5000/- per school.

Recently, it has been decided to revise the existing norms of assistance of kitchen devices by linking them to the enrolment in the schools as follows:

Enrolment slab Unit cost of Assistance in Rs.
(Central state sharing 60:40)
Up to 50 10,000/-
51 to 150 15,000/-
151 to 250 20,000/-
250 and above 25,000/-
Transportation Assistance :

The Govt. of India allows maximum Rs.1,500/- per MT as transportation assistance for transportation of food-grains to school end. Payment of transportation cost is to be made as per existing PDS rates and distance of school from the FCI godown.

Construction of Kitchen-Cum-Store :

Since inception, the Central government as well as State Government sanctioned Rs. 60,000/- per unit for construction of Kitchen-cum-Store under this programme.

As per new pattern 20sq.meter plinth area has been taken as base for construction of kitchen-Cum-Store having upto 100 students. For every additional upto 100 students additional 4 sq. meter plinth area will be added. The minimum allowable amount for construction of Kitchen-cum-Store is Rs.2,00,000/- per school for normal zone. Rs. 2,50,000/- and Rs. 3,00,000/- may be allotted for saline zone and hilly areas respectively.

It has been decided to provide assistance of Rs. 10,000/- for repairing of Kitchen cum stores constructed 10 years ago on 60:40 sharing basis between Centre and State.

MME Fund :

Central assistance is provided to State for Management, Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) of this programme @ 2.7% of total assistance of the recurring central assistance.

Notice Board

A notice board is to be erected in front of each and every school under CMDMP for displaying the following particulars:

  • Total number of students taking meals.
  • Number of days and time when meals are served.
  • Quantity of Rice to be supplied.
  • Weekly menu.
  • Name of cooking agency.
  • Name of the BDO, with phone number.
  • Name of the concerned Sub-Inspector of schools with phone number.
  • For Emergency health contingency plan is to be proposed & for this phone no. of the concerned (nearby) (a) Health center (b) BMOH (c) Superintendent of the Hospital (d) SI of School (e) Ambulance (f) Police Station (g) Fire Services are to be printed on the wall.
  • Any other matters.

Incentives for Children with Special Needs (CWSN)

School Education Department takes initiative in connection with the identification and proper education / training of the CWSN along with the normal children in regular mainstream education system. The Dept. has the following activities in this regard:

  • Assessment Camps for CWSN
  • Distribution of aids and appliances/ Need based equipments/ ICT support
  • Escort Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • Corrective Surgery


West Bengal Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship is given @ Rs. 12000/- per year to the students who score more than 75% marks in the Madhyamik Pariksha and High Madrasha Final Exam. whose family income is below Rs. 250000/- per year.

Felicitation of Rank holders in MP, HS, CBSE (Class X & XII), ISCE, ISC, WBJEE

  • It has been rightly said that 'A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work'. That is why Government of West Bengal has decided to felicitate the students who excelled and achieved wonderful results in the Board exams with their inspiring performance.
  • This year 255 students have been felicitated by the Government of West Bengal. These students are the rank holders in MP, HS, CBSE (Class X & Class XII), ISCE, ISC and WBJEE. Not only this, 699 students are selected to receive Rs. 10,000 to pursue their higher studies.
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